Trait peroxide::structure::matrix::Error

1.0.0 · source ·
pub trait Error: Debug + Display {
    // Provided methods
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { ... }
    fn description(&self) -> &str { ... }
    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> { ... }
    fn provide<'a>(&'a self, request: &mut Request<'a>) { ... }
Expand description

Error is a trait representing the basic expectations for error values, i.e., values of type E in Result<T, E>.

Errors must describe themselves through the Display and Debug traits. Error messages are typically concise lowercase sentences without trailing punctuation:

let err = "NaN".parse::<u32>().unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "invalid digit found in string");

Errors may provide cause information. Error::source() is generally used when errors cross “abstraction boundaries”. If one module must report an error that is caused by an error from a lower-level module, it can allow accessing that error via Error::source(). This makes it possible for the high-level module to provide its own errors while also revealing some of the implementation for debugging.

Provided Methods§

1.30.0 · source

fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)>

The lower-level source of this error, if any.

use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;

struct SuperError {
    source: SuperErrorSideKick,

impl fmt::Display for SuperError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "SuperError is here!")

impl Error for SuperError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {

struct SuperErrorSideKick;

impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!")

impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick {}

fn get_super_error() -> Result<(), SuperError> {
    Err(SuperError { source: SuperErrorSideKick })

fn main() {
    match get_super_error() {
        Err(e) => {
            println!("Error: {e}");
            println!("Caused by: {}", e.source().unwrap());
        _ => println!("No error"),
1.0.0 · source

fn description(&self) -> &str

👎Deprecated since 1.42.0: use the Display impl or to_string()
if let Err(e) = "xc".parse::<u32>() {
    // Print `e` itself, no need for description().
    eprintln!("Error: {e}");
1.0.0 · source

fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error>

👎Deprecated since 1.33.0: replaced by Error::source, which can support downcasting

fn provide<'a>(&'a self, request: &mut Request<'a>)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (error_generic_member_access)

Provides type based access to context intended for error reports.

Used in conjunction with Request::provide_value and Request::provide_ref to extract references to member variables from dyn Error trait objects.

use core::fmt;
use core::error::{request_ref, Request};

enum MyLittleTeaPot {

struct MyBacktrace {
    // ...

impl MyBacktrace {
    fn new() -> MyBacktrace {
        // ...

struct Error {
    backtrace: MyBacktrace,

impl fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Example Error")

impl std::error::Error for Error {
    fn provide<'a>(&'a self, request: &mut Request<'a>) {

fn main() {
    let backtrace = MyBacktrace::new();
    let error = Error { backtrace };
    let dyn_error = &error as &dyn std::error::Error;
    let backtrace_ref = request_ref::<MyBacktrace>(dyn_error).unwrap();

    assert!(core::ptr::eq(&error.backtrace, backtrace_ref));



impl dyn Error

1.3.0 · source

pub fn is<T>(&self) -> bool
where T: Error + 'static,

Returns true if the inner type is the same as T.

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
where T: Error + 'static,

Returns some reference to the inner value if it is of type T, or None if it isn’t.

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast_mut<T>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>
where T: Error + 'static,

Returns some mutable reference to the inner value if it is of type T, or None if it isn’t.


impl dyn Error + Send

1.3.0 · source

pub fn is<T>(&self) -> bool
where T: Error + 'static,

Forwards to the method defined on the type dyn Error.

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
where T: Error + 'static,

Forwards to the method defined on the type dyn Error.

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast_mut<T>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>
where T: Error + 'static,

Forwards to the method defined on the type dyn Error.


impl dyn Error + Sync + Send

1.3.0 · source

pub fn is<T>(&self) -> bool
where T: Error + 'static,

Forwards to the method defined on the type dyn Error.

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
where T: Error + 'static,

Forwards to the method defined on the type dyn Error.

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast_mut<T>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>
where T: Error + 'static,

Forwards to the method defined on the type dyn Error.


impl dyn Error


pub fn sources(&self) -> Source<'_>

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (error_iter)

Returns an iterator starting with the current error and continuing with recursively calling Error::source.

If you want to omit the current error and only use its sources, use skip(1).

use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;

struct A;

struct B(Option<Box<dyn Error + 'static>>);

impl fmt::Display for A {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "A")

impl fmt::Display for B {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "B")

impl Error for A {}

impl Error for B {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
        self.0.as_ref().map(|e| e.as_ref())

let b = B(Some(Box::new(A)));

// let err : Box<Error> = b.into(); // or
let err = &b as &(dyn Error);

let mut iter = err.sources();


impl dyn Error + Send

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast<T>( self: Box<dyn Error + Send>, ) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<dyn Error + Send>>
where T: Error + 'static,

Attempts to downcast the box to a concrete type.


impl dyn Error

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast<T>(self: Box<dyn Error>) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<dyn Error>>
where T: Error + 'static,

Attempts to downcast the box to a concrete type.


impl dyn Error + Sync + Send

1.3.0 · source

pub fn downcast<T>( self: Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>, ) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>>
where T: Error + 'static,

Attempts to downcast the box to a concrete type.


1.0.0 · source§

impl !Error for &str

1.8.0 · source§

impl Error for Infallible

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for VarError

1.15.0 · source§

impl Error for std::sync::mpsc::RecvTimeoutError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for std::sync::mpsc::TryRecvError


impl Error for RoundingError


impl Error for BernoulliError


impl Error for WeightedError


impl Error for rand_distr::binomial::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::cauchy::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::dirichlet::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::exponential::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::frechet::Error


impl Error for BetaError


impl Error for ChiSquaredError


impl Error for rand_distr::gamma::Error


impl Error for FisherFError


impl Error for rand_distr::geometric::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::gumbel::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::hypergeometric::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::inverse_gaussian::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::normal::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::normal_inverse_gaussian::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::pareto::Error


impl Error for PertError


impl Error for rand_distr::poisson::Error


impl Error for rand_distr::skew_normal::Error


impl Error for TriangularError


impl Error for rand_distr::weibull::Error


impl Error for ZetaError


impl Error for ZipfError


impl Error for !


impl Error for UnorderedKeyError

1.57.0 · source§

impl Error for TryReserveError

1.58.0 · source§

impl Error for FromVecWithNulError

1.7.0 · source§

impl Error for IntoStringError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for NulError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for alloc::string::FromUtf8Error

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for FromUtf16Error

1.28.0 · source§

impl Error for LayoutError


impl Error for AllocError

1.34.0 · source§

impl Error for TryFromSliceError

1.13.0 · source§

impl Error for BorrowError

1.13.0 · source§

impl Error for BorrowMutError

1.34.0 · source§

impl Error for CharTryFromError

1.20.0 · source§

impl Error for ParseCharError

1.9.0 · source§

impl Error for DecodeUtf16Error

1.59.0 · source§

impl Error for TryFromCharError

1.69.0 · source§

impl Error for FromBytesUntilNulError

1.17.0 · source§

impl Error for FromBytesWithNulError

1.11.0 · source§

impl Error for core::fmt::Error

1.4.0 · source§

impl Error for AddrParseError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for ParseFloatError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for ParseIntError

1.34.0 · source§

impl Error for TryFromIntError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for ParseBoolError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for core::str::error::Utf8Error

1.66.0 · source§

impl Error for TryFromFloatSecsError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for JoinPathsError

1.56.0 · source§

impl Error for WriterPanicked

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for std::io::error::Error

1.7.0 · source§

impl Error for StripPrefixError


impl Error for ExitStatusError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Error for std::sync::mpsc::RecvError

1.26.0 · source§

impl Error for AccessError

1.8.0 · source§

impl Error for SystemTimeError


impl Error for ParseError


impl Error for ParseMonthError


impl Error for OutOfRange


impl Error for OutOfRangeError


impl Error for ParseWeekdayError


impl Error for CompressError


impl Error for DecompressError


impl Error for getrandom::error::Error


impl Error for serde::de::value::Error


impl Error for ReadError


impl Error for rand_core::error::Error


impl Error for Aborted


impl Error for Canceled


impl Error for CancelledError


impl Error for DecodeError


impl Error for DecodeSliceError


impl Error for DeserializeError


impl Error for DowncastError<'_, '_>


impl Error for DowncastIntoError<'_>


impl Error for EncodeSliceError


impl Error for EnterError


impl Error for Error


impl Error for Error


impl Error for Error


impl Error for Error


impl Error for Error


impl Error for Error


impl Error for Error


impl Error for ErrorKind


impl Error for FromUtf8Error


impl Error for IncompleteReadError


impl Error for InvalidStateError


impl Error for LZ4Error


impl Error for LimitOverrunError


impl Error for PanicException


impl Error for ParseAlphabetError


impl Error for PyArithmeticError


impl Error for PyAssertionError


impl Error for PyAttributeError


impl Error for PyBaseException


impl Error for PyBaseExceptionGroup


impl Error for PyBlockingIOError


impl Error for PyBrokenPipeError


impl Error for PyBufferError


impl Error for PyBytesWarning


impl Error for PyChildProcessError


impl Error for PyConnectionAbortedError


impl Error for PyConnectionError


impl Error for PyConnectionRefusedError


impl Error for PyConnectionResetError


impl Error for PyDeprecationWarning


impl Error for PyEOFError


impl Error for PyEncodingWarning


impl Error for PyEnvironmentError


impl Error for PyErr


impl Error for PyException


impl Error for PyFileExistsError


impl Error for PyFileNotFoundError


impl Error for PyFloatingPointError


impl Error for PyFutureWarning


impl Error for PyGeneratorExit


impl Error for PyIOError


impl Error for PyImportError


impl Error for PyImportWarning


impl Error for PyIndexError


impl Error for PyInterruptedError


impl Error for PyIsADirectoryError


impl Error for PyKeyError


impl Error for PyKeyboardInterrupt


impl Error for PyLookupError


impl Error for PyMemoryError


impl Error for PyModuleNotFoundError


impl Error for PyNameError


impl Error for PyNotADirectoryError


impl Error for PyNotImplementedError


impl Error for PyOSError


impl Error for PyOverflowError


impl Error for PyPendingDeprecationWarning


impl Error for PyPermissionError


impl Error for PyProcessLookupError


impl Error for PyRecursionError


impl Error for PyReferenceError


impl Error for PyResourceWarning


impl Error for PyRuntimeError


impl Error for PyRuntimeWarning


impl Error for PyStopAsyncIteration


impl Error for PyStopIteration


impl Error for PySyntaxError


impl Error for PySyntaxWarning


impl Error for PySystemError


impl Error for PySystemExit


impl Error for PyTimeoutError


impl Error for PyTypeError


impl Error for PyUnboundLocalError


impl Error for PyUnicodeDecodeError


impl Error for PyUnicodeEncodeError


impl Error for PyUnicodeError


impl Error for PyUnicodeTranslateError


impl Error for PyUnicodeWarning


impl Error for PyUserWarning


impl Error for PyValueError


impl Error for PyWarning


impl Error for PyZeroDivisionError


impl Error for QueueEmpty


impl Error for QueueFull


impl Error for RecvError


impl Error for RecvTimeoutError


impl Error for SelectTimeoutError


impl Error for SendError


impl Error for SpawnError


impl Error for TimeoutError


impl Error for TryRecvError


impl Error for TryRecvError


impl Error for TrySelectError


impl Error for UnknownEnumTag


impl Error for UnknownEnumTagKind


impl Error for Utf8Error


impl Error for Utf8Error


impl Error for Utf8Error


impl Error for gaierror


impl Error for herror


impl Error for timeout


impl<'a> Error for PyDowncastError<'a>


impl<'a, K, V> Error for alloc::collections::btree::map::entry::OccupiedError<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + Ord, V: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Error for std::collections::hash::map::OccupiedError<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.51.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Error for &'a T
where T: Error + ?Sized,


impl<E> Error for ParseComplexError<E>
where E: Error,


impl<L, R> Error for Either<L, R>
where L: Error, R: Error,

Either implements Error if both L and R implement it.

Requires crate feature "use_std"

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Error for std::sync::mpsc::TrySendError<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Error for TryLockError<T>

1.8.0 · source§

impl<T> Error for Box<T>
where T: Error,


impl<T> Error for ThinBox<T>
where T: Error + ?Sized,

1.52.0 · source§

impl<T> Error for Arc<T>
where T: Error + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Error for std::sync::mpsc::SendError<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Error for PoisonError<T>


impl<T> Error for Py<T>
where T: Error + PyTypeInfo, <T as HasPyGilRef>::AsRefTarget: Display,

Py<T> can be used as an error when T is an Error.

However for GIL lifetime reasons, cause() cannot be implemented for Py<T>. Use .as_ref() to get the GIL-scoped error if you need to inspect the cause.


impl<T> Error for ReuniteError<T>
where T: Any,


impl<T> Error for SendError<T>
where T: Send,


impl<T> Error for SendTimeoutError<T>
where T: Send,


impl<T> Error for TrySendError<T>
where T: Any,


impl<T> Error for TrySendError<T>
where T: Send,


impl<T, E> Error for TryChunksError<T, E>
where E: Debug + Display,


impl<T, E> Error for TryReadyChunksError<T, E>
where E: Debug + Display,


impl<T, Item> Error for ReuniteError<T, Item>
where T: Any,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<W> Error for std::io::buffered::IntoInnerError<W>
where W: Send + Debug,


impl<W> Error for IntoInnerError<W>
where W: Any,


impl<W> Error for IntoInnerError<W>
where W: Any,


impl<const N: usize> Error for GetManyMutError<N>