Module peroxide::util::plot

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Plotting module for peroxide

For Rust, there are some plot libraries but, still difficult to use. Practically, using python is best choice to plot. And there is awesome crate - pyo3.


  • python 3
  • matplotlib
  • scienceplots (Optional)


To use this module, you should enable plot feature in Cargo.toml

use peroxide::fuga::*;

fn main() {
    let x = linspace(0, 1, 100);
    let y1 = x.fmap(|t| t.powi(2));
    let y2 = x.fmap(|t| t.powi(3));

    let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(42);
    let normal = Normal(0f64, 0.1);
    let eps = normal.sample_with_rng(&mut rng, x.len());
    let y3 = y2.add_v(&eps);

    let mut plt = Plot2D::new();
        .set_legend(vec![r"$y=x^2$", r"$y=x^3$", r"$y=x^2 + \epsilon$"])
        .set_line_style(vec![(0, LineStyle::Dashed), (1, LineStyle::Dotted)])
        .set_plot_type(vec![(2, PlotType::Scatter)])
        .set_marker(vec![(2, Markers::Point)])
        .set_color(vec![(0, "red"), (1, "darkblue"), (2, "olive")])
        .set_style(PlotStyle::Nature) // if you want to use scienceplots

This code will generate below plot


§Available Plot Options

  • set_domain : Set x data
  • insert_image : Insert y data
  • insert_pair : Insert (x, y) data
  • set_title : Set title of plot (optional)
  • set_xlabel : Set xlabel of plot (optional)
  • set_ylabel : Set ylabel of plot (optional)
  • set_zlabel : Set zlabel of plot (optional; for 3D plot)
  • set_xscale : Set xscale of plot (optional; PlotScale::Linear or PlotScale::Log)
  • set_yscale : Set yscale of plot (optional; PlotScale::Linear or PlotScale::Log)
  • set_xlim : Set xlim of plot (optional)
  • set_ylim : Set ylim of plot (optional)
  • set_legend : Set legend of plot (optional)
  • set_path : Set path of plot (with filename - e.g. “example_data/test_plot.png”)
  • set_fig_size : Set figure size of plot (optional)
  • set_dpi : Set dpi of plot (optional)
  • grid : Set grid of plot (Grid::On, Grid::Off (default))
  • set_marker : Set marker of plot (optional; Markers::{Point, Line, Circle, TriangleUp, ...})
  • set_style : Set style of plot (PlotStyle::Nature, PlotStyle::IEEE, PlotStyle::Default (default), PlotStyle::Science)
  • tight_layout : Set tight layout of plot (optional)
  • set_line_style : Set line style of plot (optional; LineStyle::{Solid, Dashed, Dotted, DashDot})
  • set_color : Set color of plot (optional; Vec<(usize, &str)>)
  • set_alpha : Set alpha of plot (optional; Vec<(usize, f64)>)
  • set_plot_type : Set plot type of plot (optional; PlotType::{Scatter, Line, Bar})
  • savefig : Save plot with given path


  • pub use self::Grid::Off;
  • pub use self::Grid::On;


